Expedition – February 2023

Day 1: Arriving at Hesley Wood
What did we do before the expedition?
Leading up to the expedition we discussed the routs we would be taking and learned how to read a map.
Hagrid our assistant GSL also gave us some tips on what to take and what too wear.
Hagrid also gave us a recap on how to pitch a tent and wear to pitch it.
The night before all the scouts participating packed their bags with some help from their parents except from Alister who always forgets basic things we need.
On Saturday morning we all got up bright and early packed our lunches, we also met up with other scouts and leaders at silver wood.

Day 1: Setting off from Silver Wood
What did we do?
We said goodbyes to our parents and handed over our devices (e.g.: phones ear plugs etc.)
We started walking around nine and passed Alister the map we walked up the road and nearly got lost already because Alister read the wrong part of the map.
When we got on the right track we walked a while and there was a lot of fields and bikers.
The scouts were moaning, and their legs were aching, so Baloo had to fix the problem with an annoying horn and games that the scouts really had to think about.
Some of the games was harry the happy hippo, alphabet animals and magic paint brush.
Skye and Josie really needed the toilet so we had to go for a wild wee and josie was jumping in joy because she finally earned her wild wee badge .
There was a point where we saw a very cool tunnel called thurgo ~land tunnel there was a lot of graffiti but everybody was amazed by it.
And of course, Baloo had to make our time even funnier by playing who’s the loudest but he won because he had a beagle.
We also saw two people who was singing near the tunnel they was very lively and happy.
One thing we would change about the expedition is to look what we are packing and not over pack because most of us packed lots of things and didn’t use half of it .
One important thing is bringing a bin bags for dirty ,wet things so it doesn’t leave your bag a mess and is easier when you unpack.
Another thing is not wearing new shoes they will give you blisters and leave you in pain Emily learned this the hard way !
A occasional helper called Andy who had a whippet called Casper who was dressed in dinosaur jammys.
We walked so long even Casper got tired.
When we got to Hesley Woods
When we got to Hesley we sat down for a bit because we were exhausted
We put up our tent and one thing we would do different is don’t weight to put up tents.
We also made food and sang around the campfire, which was really fun and was a nice break from the 7 hours of walking.

Day 1: The campfire
The Next Day
The following day we cooked our breakfast which consisted of sausages, bacon and eggs. We took down our tents and started packing everything away. At around 11:30, we started the last 6 km of our walk. It was tiring and hard to do, but in the end it was worth it. We sang most of the way, lifting our spirits for the rest of the walk. We played the game ‘Magic Paintbrush’. When we got to Hoober Stand

Day 2: Setting off from Hesley Wood
What would we do differently?
- Pack less stuff
- Take a smaller bag
- Not wear brand new shoes / comfortable shoes

Day 2: Hoober Stand
What are you going to tell the troop?
- Wasn’t what we expected
- Bring more snacks
- We’d do it again
